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What to know after your appointment 

Acupuncture and some of the other tools we use as Chinese Medicine Practitioners can feel a little intimidating, but don't worry, we are pretty harmless and most people don't experience adverse effects.  My favourite side effect of an acupuncture session is how relaxed and in my body I feel... and everyone experiences that! 


Things to know after your appointment are:


You may have tiny bruises at the site of insertion of a needle, this is nothing to worry about - it can be caused by a few factors, most commonly movement during your session which has meant nipping a little blood vessel. It will clear up in a few days. 


Cupping & Guasha do create bruising, you are not getting out of that, and it is part of the process and will fade within a few days, on some rare occasions it can last longer, but don't panic, that is just your body having a slower pace of resolution and with time hopefully what we are doing helps that! 


Do drink extra water, your body may be making some significant changes, especially if we are working on things that are related to damp, phlegm or blood stasis, think of a body of water where the mud settles to the bottom, acupuncture and cupping will be stirring that back up to be processed by the body... some bodies find this harder and can feel a little fatigued, water and rest helps. 


That leads me to the next point, don't have big plans after your session, give your body space to recalibrate and make the changes - if you are rushing off to something you may be undoing all our good work! But if you can't get around some of the demands, do skip the alcohol, sugary foods, gym and a late night, best plan is to eat a nice healthy meal, warm fluids like herbal teas and get an early nights rest. 


Do call or email us if you feel uneasy after your appointment, ANYTIME, we are here to answer your questions and make any concerns clear and get you the support you need.  We do have tea and a quiet reception that is perfectly ok to hang out it in for as long as you need after your appointment, this is great for those that feel a little sleepy or out of their body after their floaty acupuncture session.  


We hope you love your acupuncture session as much as we do and please don't hesitate to talk to us about any concerns, we are here to make this experience as comfortable and healing as possible, because the Chinese Medicine approach offers so much for improving our health and wellbeing and we want everyone to feel those benefits to live their life optimally!​


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Preventative and holistic health for the whole family.

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