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What to know before having a treatment with your Chinese Medicine practitioner 

So you have an appointment with us and its your first time... these are the things you need to know and plan for before your visit! 


At Radiant Chi our goal is for everyone to have a place to unwind, to have some time for rejuvenation and restoration.

Each appointment involves a period of discussion with your practitioner about your health, lifestyle, diet and your general well-being, we also often palpate areas of the body. We then take a look at your tongue and take your pulses. Most people feel a little shy poking out their tongue, but don't be, the tongue provides us with so much vital information including the depth and nature of your imbalances and the progress of your disorder and unlike the pulse it is less effected by short-term things such as being nervous.

Following your consultation, your practitioner will provide you with a Chinese Medicine diagnosis and a treatment plan and discuss any questions that you have. Once you are happy with the plan, your practitioner will leave the room allowing you to get comfortable in the suggested position on the massage table to provide your treatment. This can include one or many methods of re-balancing the qi and always includes a period of being left to rest in the room with the needles inserted, this time is a perfect time to detach from all that is going on outside and have some quiet time to yourself, loads of people find they feel so relaxed they have a little nap. Following the removal of your needles, we have an opportunity to discuss anything about your experience or expectations and the goals we have for your well-being. We are always a phone-call or e-mail away if you should wish to discuss anything further after you have left your appointment.


Before your appointment please ensure you have had something to eat within two hours, please don't drink coffee or have any stimulating drinks/foods or foods with excessive colour, your pulses and tongues need to be untainted to get a good diagnosis.


Wear comfortable loose clothing, for pain conditions and treatments such as cupping and guasha full exposure of area of discomfort may be required.  But if not, clothing that moves easily allowing access to tummy, back, legs and arms is normally the best. This can change with every appointment and sometimes the easiest is removing clothing, other than underwear and covering you appropriately with a towel on the areas not required to access. Please do let us know what is comfortable for you and we will accommodate as best we can, please also be reminded that underwear is required, so please don't arrive without any under your clothing as we cannot treat you.  Also be mindful of athletic clothing that is tight or covers key areas we need to access for your complaint. 


Please be sure to have filled out any forms, sent through any medical reports before your appointment to avoid timely delays, otherwise arrive early to get these things done.  We do encourage everyone to arrive at least 5mins before their appointments regardless, we have tea, water and toilets in the clinic which are all accessible to you before your appointment, it is best to allow time for this before to enhance your relaxation during treatment. 


Finally, leave your phones on silent and plan to disconnect from the world whilst in your appointment - reading on your phone, texting friends and family or dealing with work stuff whilst on the table is really discouraged, if you are taking this time for yourself to heal, make the most of it and allow your body the space and time it needs to do this effectively.  â€‹â€‹


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